baby ultrasound
Online Services
1. Uplad and downloading ultrasound video through the internet
2. Producing still images from ultrasound video
3. Pregnancy / Childbirth / Infant care portal
4. Gynecology content services - Electronic maternity notebook, infanct care notebook, medical check-up notebook
Mobile Services (Smartphone & Tablet)
1. Ultrasound viewing on mobile devices
2. Saybebe mobile apps development
3. Content services - Pregnancy information due date. body fat check, baby height prediction. etc...
Patent Real time ultrasound video service system and the method of recording
- Patent registration in Korea
- Patent granted in Japan
- Patent granted in China
- Certified as a Small & Medium Enterprise for Innovative Techonlogy
- Certified as R&D Center
baby ultrasound evaluates the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. If the placenta is deteriorating, then the amount
of fluid will be low, and induced labor is highly recommended. However, ultra sounds are not always accurate since they
also monitor the fetus's development, and if the fetus is smaller than normal, the doctor's guess at the age can be quite